In 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported on the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal, which implicated Najib Razak, the former prime minister of Malaysia, in the siphoning of nearly $1 billion from the country’s sovereign wealth fund. Razak’s story could warrant a feature-length documentary of its own, but it is Jho Low, the purported “mastermind” behind the scheme, who is the focus of Cassius Michael Kim’s new film Man on the Run. The vainglorious Low, in thrall to the spoils of the high life, made off with billions more than the now-imprisoned Razak, despite routinely dipping into his stash of stolen cash in order to throw the biggest parties, fund the largest blockbusters, and rub shoulders with the world’s most fabulous stars, including Leonardo DiCaprio. To this day, Low not only maintains his innocence but his freedom—he is reportedly hiding out somewhere in China, despite the Malaysian government’s best efforts to capture him. Man on the Run details Low’s escapades up to the present day. —Jack Sullivan
The Arts Intel Report
Man on the Run

Leonardo DiCpario and fraudster Jho Low.