In Brookside, the 1990s U.K. soap opera, Mandy Jordache stabs to death her abusive husband and hides him under the patio. His body remains there for two years until its unceremonious discovery. Once their secret is revealed, Mandy and her daughter Betty are imprisoned. Though most people might not have a literal body tucked under the floorboards, everyone has secrets and they’re often spelled out in dreams of anxiety. In John Milton’s Paradise Lost, for instance, Eve has a prophetic dream about eating the forbidden fruit. Surrealist paintings teem with references to the subconscious. Inspired by Brookside, the installation artist Lindsey Mendick has created an immersive show of ceramics and stained glass. The forms jut out from the gallery floor like limbs. —Elena Clavarino
The Arts Intel Report
Lindsey Mendick
Lindsey Mendick, I Drink To You Isobel, 2022.
Apr 1 – Sept 3, 2023
Photo: © Lindsey Mendick/courtesy of Carl Freedman Gallery, Margate
The Hepworth Wakefield