Never mind the incessant crowds that have become standard when visiting the Sistine Chapel: the room’s fresco-covered walls and ceilings stretch so high that even if you were alone in there, seeing it up close would be next to impossible (that’s a treat reserved for lucky conservators and cleaners). But now, available for download through the online game platform Steam, you can experience the chapel in virtual reality. Read a historical letter in which Michelangelo describes the hardships he endured painting the chapel’s ceiling. Then observe that same ceiling at the distance of an inch—the cracks in the plaster; the reaching fingers, almost touching, of God and Adam. One hundred clickable elements connect to an hour of commentary. —J.V.
The Arts Intel Report
Il Divino: Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling in V.R.
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In select theaters beginning November 17; streaming on Netflix beginning December 1