This acclaimed take on the 1841 ballet of love and betrayal premiered in 2016 at the English National Ballet. Tamara Rojo, director of the company, wished to “open up” Giselle, “to look at it,” she has said, “and break it apart.” Tasked with putting it back together, the choreographer Akram Khan used an idiom that fuses classical, contemporary, and Indian dance. He also emphasized the social politics (too much, some think). In June, the production is finally receiving its New York premiere. Rojo, who in late 2022 heads to the San Francisco Ballet as its new artistic director, dances the role of Giselle in the first and last of ENB’s five performances at BAM. —Laura Jacobs
The Arts Intel Report
Giselle, by Akram Khan
Tamara Rojo for English National Ballet’s Giselle, by Akram Khan.
June 8–11, 2022
Photo: Laurent Liotardo
American Museum of Natural History