Gertrud Goldschmidt, or Gego, escaped persecution in Nazi Germany to settle in Caracas, Venezuela, where she rebranded as a Latin American artist. From the early 1950s until her death in 1994, Gego produced drawings, prints, installations, architectural designs, and sculptures (airy and geometrical, they look as if they were made by a spider with a slide rule). She tried it all, sometimes all at once. Gego rejected chronology, linearity, and labels. In the exhibition “Gego: Measuring Infinity,” Museo Jumex showcases her work in a carefully curated and chronological timeline—a stark contrast to her own modus operandi. —Carolina de Armas
The Arts Intel Report
Gego: Measuring Infinity

Gego installing the Reticulárea Center for the Inter-American Relations Art Gallery in New York, 1969
Oct 19, 2022 – Feb 5, 2023
Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 303, Granada, 11520 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Photo: Ana María Castillo/courtesy of the Archivo Fundación Gego