What is sportswear doing in Paris’s Palais Galliera, a temple to the history of la mode? Sportswear is seldom taken into account when discussing fashion in the French capital—couture is on everyone’s lips. But in the late–19th century, womenswear began to accommodate daily physical activity. Corsets loosened, skirts shortened, and “bloomers”—baggy trousers worn under skirts—gained popularity. The masculinization of garments began in earnest during W.W. I, when women entered the work force. The Roaring Twenties embraced a more androgynous look, and over time, swimming costumes, cycling outfits, motoring coats, and jogging suits were further adapted to the changing image of the athletic body. This exhibition features 200 pieces that illustrate the evolution of sportswear over the last 150 years. —Elena Clavarino