Virgil’s epic Aeneid, from the 1st century B.C., chronicles the story of Aeneas, a Trojan hero who flees from Troy with his fellow countrymen when the city is destroyed by the Greeks. After many battles and much tribulation, he makes it to Italy, where he fathers two children, Romulus and Remus, who eventually found Rome. Milton’s Paradise Lost and Dante’s Divine Comedy are among the works of literature that were inspired by Virgil’s masterpiece. Art, too, has chronicled scenes from Virgil. For example, Dosso Dossi, a 16th-century Italian painter from Ferrara, was fascinated by the poem, which he depicted in a series of 10 canvases titled “The Frieze of Aeneas.” For this exhibition, the first dedicated to Dossi’s series, these paintings have been brought together. They are on loan from the Louvre Abu Dhabi, Canada’s National Gallery, the National Gallery in Washington, D.C., and the Museo del Prado. —Elena Clavarino