This darkly comedic series takes a new approach to sociopathy. Michael C. Hall is freaky good as Dexter, a forensic analyst who lacks a conscience and lusts for blood. Determined to be good, Dexter only targets people who are as twisted as himself, such as fellow serial killers or those who prey on children. Each episode features a new bad guy to be stalked and punished. Much of the cast is composed of Dexter’s colleagues at Miami PD—one of whom is his sister, Deb (Jennifer Carpenter)—and their presence pushes the show into matters deeper than gore, allowing it to explore Dexter’s inability to love and the moral problems raised by his modus operandi. If this sounds like your cup of tea, start streaming because Dexter departs from Netflix on December 31. —C.J.F
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For the World Traveler
For the World Traveler
A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler