The days of the Concorde are gone, and with them the lost dream of flying between Paris and New York in three hours while eating caviar and drinking excellent wine. The cutlery as well, supplied by Christofle, was the height of luxury, but then, Christofle tableware was used at the Ritz and on trains like the Orient Express. Since its founding in the 1830s, the company has redefined silverware, making it a part of daily life while innovating with creatives such as Gio Ponti, Andrée Putman, and Karl Lagerfeld. To celebrate the brand’s legacy, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs is exhibiting over 600 pieces from the collection of the company founders, Charles Christofle and Henri Bouilhet. The exhibition includes works in gold and silver, from spoons to vases to furniture, as well as paintings, drawings, and posters. —Jeanne Malle