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The Arts Intel Report

A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler
A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler

Candida Höfer: In Moskau—В Mоскве

Nov 22, 2019 – Feb 1, 2020
Amalienstraße 41, 80799 München, Germany

An opera house completely empty of life, its velvet seats and chandeliers waiting, its tiered balconies like ribs. It seems to hold its breath. Candida Höfer photographs magnificent theaters and halls, libraries and cathedrals, but without inhabitants, strangely estranged. Look long enough and these spaces suggest a sudden, perhaps catastrophic, leave-taking. Höfer and her camera traveled to Moscow in 2017, and the work from that visit is here on display for the first time. —L.J.

Candida Höfer, “Dvorec Kulturi ZIL Moskwa II,” 2017 © Candida Höfer, Cologne/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2019.