The 19th-century mathematician Charles Babbage claimed that “the air itself is one vast library on whose pages are for ever written all that man has ever said or woman whispered.” In other words, every human action has been imprinted in the atmosphere and, in theory, can be accessed in the present. Compelled by this idea, the Mexican-Canadian artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer has created a multisensory immersive experience that utilizes sweeping projections, manufactured smoke, and tactile artifacts to engage participants in an atmosphere that is indeed tangible, palpable. It’s an environment that makes a convincing argument for Babbage’s description of atmospheric memory. —Paulina Prosnitz
The Arts Intel Report
Atmospheric Memory

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Cloud Display, 2019.
Aug 12 – Nov 5, 2023
Photo: Zan Wimberley
MCA Australia