In the aftermath of September 11’s destruction, it was dogs that searched the debris, hunting relentlessly for survivors among the wreckage. One such dog was Riley, a four-year-old Golden Retriever. Another was Ricky, a tiny Rat Terrier who could climb where Riley couldn’t. Though almost no one was rescued on those dark days following the attacks, the dogs were at the forefront of the operation, as heroic as the firefighters and rescue teams. This exhibition honors our furry friends with life-size sculptures, and it remembers other disasters too. “I hope this can be a little more uplifting,” says Alan Fausel, executive director of the AKC Museum of the Dog. “We also showcase some of the brighter sides and positive outcomes.” —E.C.
The Arts Intel Report
9/11 Remembered: Search and Rescue Dogs

Sept 1, 2021 – Jan 2, 2022
9/11 Rescue Dogs. Photo: Robert Burns.
American Museum of Natural History