If Ashley Tisdale’s name doesn’t ring a bell, her alter ego certainly should. As Sharpay Evans, the popular, “fabulous” diva of the High School Musical trilogy, she was the hairsprayed, manicured muse to countless young girls. But as Sharpay sang it best, “It’s out with the old, in with the new.” Tisdale married the composer Christopher French in 2014 and has two children, Jupiter, three, and Emerson, five months. In 2020, after opening up about her long battle with anxiety and depression, she launched Frenshe, an online platform dedicated to well-researched discussions about beauty and wellness. Being Frenshe grew from there. It’s a line of skin care, home and body scents, and now hair-care products sold at Target. Tisdale’s nighttime routine is, fittingly, big on soothing and calming, with a little meditation for good measure.

When do you start getting ready for bed?
After my husband and I do our kids’ bedtimes. As soon as 7:00 hits, I start getting ready.

Take us through your nighttime skin-care routine.
You know, it really depends on the day. My husband and I both do meditations, which kind of jump-starts it for us. I wash my face and do all my lotions. I love taking a shower at night to get rid of the stress from the day. Sometimes I’ll wash my hair and put a deep conditioner in and sleep in it, which is one of my favorite things to do. It feels like freedom—like a day at the pool or the beach where you don’t have to do your hair. It’s so nice to jump out of the shower and not have to care about anything.

What’s one thing you do before bed?
I have to wash my face and brush my teeth. I might skip part of my routine sometimes, but I can’t go to sleep without that. Even in my 20s, when I would be out partying—in the rare times I partied—I would still have to wash my face.

How do you decompress after a long day?
I’ll watch some TV before I go to sleep. But if I have extra time, I’ll usually do a bath. It’s very much needed—I’ve been doing a lot of Pilates since having a baby, so my body is pretty tense and sore at times. I love a good magnesium bath. There’s also really something about taking a shower and putting on a robe and being able to relax in bed. I love creating an atmosphere where I feel like I’m at a hotel but I’m in my room.

Do you take anything to fall asleep?
I love to drink tea. Lemon balm and chamomile. That was my nightly thing during pregnancy, and it’s been something I look forward to postpartum. Lemon balm is so good for the nervous system. If I feel like I’m not going to sleep well that night, or just really need a deep sleep, I will do a magnesium. It also helps with muscle recovery.

Are you particular about sleep conditions?
I have to sleep with a sleep mask. I never used to, but now we have monitors for the babies, and the light bothers me. We’ve always used a white-noise machine. And my husband and I like it cold. We’re very much on the same page on that, thankfully. I love a good A/C moment.

How about your bed?
I use a Casper mattress, and my sheets are from Parachute.

Onto your pajamas …
I wear Eberjey. Or Éterne—I’m a huge Éterne fan. I don’t think they’re pajamas, but I use their loungewear for pajamas.

Does it take you a long time to fall asleep?
I used to suffer from insomnia. To think about those moments is wild because I’m now one of those people who will doze off watching TV. That was one thing I focused on when working on my anxiety. It’s really about how you set yourself up for sleep and about thinking positively. Having rituals helps me fall asleep more easily and quickly.

What’s your strangest nighttime habit?
I tend to wake up in the middle of the night and start thinking about work. To quiet my mind, I use the app Insight Timer. I also have these really amazing meditations from my hypnotherapist. I went to her to help me get ready for labor. She had a library of meditations, and one was on sleep and how to shift from being overwhelmed to calm. Those are so helpful. I started meditating years ago using the apps.

Where’s your favorite place to sleep?
There’s nothing like my bed at home.

What’s the best night’s sleep you’ve ever had?
It was probably after my five-month-old started sleeping through the night. Once you have a newborn, you think you’re never gonna sleep again, that’s for sure.

Jeanne Malle is an Associate Editor at Air Mail