The artist and sculptor Laura Petrovich-Cheney says she wants her quilts to offer “comfort.” This is not an easy feat considering her quilts are made of wood. Following traditional quilting practices, Petrovich-Cheney repurposes discarded materials. She opts for wood from houses wrecked by natural disasters. That means siding, doors, tables, and cabinets salvaged after storms and forest fires. Petrovich-Cheney does not paint the scraps—she loves the homey old shades that the owner’s chose—but she does use a bandsaw to cut them into useable shapes. She then assembles the pieces into geometric designs. One of the 20 quilts on view in this exhibition is Onezie, a 2015 piece she made with wood from her family’s home, destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. “I am trying to evoke a life that existed before the storm,” she said of the quilt. “The repetitive process of cutting and organizing the wood into mathematical grid patterns helps me restore some order.” —J.D.
The Arts Intel Report
Wood Quilts

Oct 6 – Dec 31, 2021
Laura Petrovich-Cheney, “Homesick,” 2020. Photo by the artist.