In the sleepy Irish coastal town of West Cork, it’s known as “the murder.” When Sophie Toscan du Plantier was found savagely killed in her vacation home just days before Christmas of 1996, the police were baffled by an apparent lack of motive or clues, and the country was stunned by the heinous act. For the people of West Cork, the killing left a stain. In recent years, the crime has been the focus of several podcasts and documentaries, but none more detailed and well-thought-out than West Cork from Audible. Hosts (and reporting couple) Jennifer Forde and Sam Bungey don’t just tell the story of a murder, they lay out how a crime so tragic deeply impacts and unsettles a town. Prepare to be transported to the southwest of Ireland, its history, landscape, and characters meticulously detailed and charted. Featuring interviews with never-before-spoken-to suspects as well as family members of the victim, West Cork lays out a suspenseful and mysterious picture of a community and the crime that has come to define it. —Jacob Robbins
The Arts Intel Report
West Cork
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In select theaters beginning November 17; streaming on Netflix beginning December 1