The comedy Tartuffe was written by the French playwright Molière in 1664. The eponymous character claims a divine connection to God, a fraud of course, but a man named Orgon falls for it. Concerned that Orgon cannot make decisions without first consulting the faux prophet, his family attempts to expose Tartuffe by having him confess the scheme to Orgon’s wife, Elmire. A new version of the play written by Anil Gupta and Richard Pinto, the television-writing duo behind shows like The Office (the British original), changes the setting from Paris during Louis XIV’s reign to present-day Birmingham. The Catholic prophet is now a Muslim, and his bona fides includes a Twitter following. —Jensen Davis
The Arts Intel Report
Simon Nagra (standing) and Siddiqua Akhtar in Tartuffe.
Oct 24 – Nov 5, 2022
Photo: Geraint Lewis