“I want every twist in that balloon sculpture to be authentic,” says Jeff Koons, describing his enormous inflatable Balloon Venus Lespugue, “not a simulation or an idea of a twist, but an actual twist—so that I can maintain that kind of suspension of disbelief.” His Venus is a huge reinterpretation of a small statuette from the Paleolithic era—the Venus of Lespugue—a female nude carved from tusk ivory, her cartoonish curves a fetish of fertility. This singular online show offers a detailed account of the creative process—including interviews, drawings, and descriptions—behind Koons’s version of the Venus. —E.C.
The Arts Intel Report
Studio: Jeff Koons

Streaming on David Zwirner
Jeff Koons, “Balloon Venus Lespugue (Red),” 2013–2019 © Jeff Koons.