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The Arts Intel Report

Division Street Revisited

Podcast hosts Melissa Harris and Mary Schmich.

Streaming on Spotify

Studs Terkel’s technique for making a collective portrait of everyday life in Chicago involved playing “hunches,” following up on “a tip from an acquaintance,” and returning “an indignant phone call” to WFMT. He visited housing projects, penthouse apartments, furnished rooms, and fashionable suburbs, amassing more than a million words, some 100,000 of which became the 1967 book Division Street: America, the first of Terkel’s 11 oral histories. “Although there is a Division Street in Chicago,” he wrote, “the title of this book is metaphorical.” Fellow Chicago Tribune veteran Melissa Harris wanted to know more about the people Terkel wrote about. Harris began by enlisting Mary Schmich, a Pulitzer Prize–winning former columnist, in her project. The next step was figuring out the speakers’ real identities, since almost all appeared under a pseudonym. Their new podcast, Division Street Revisited, is a kind of extended epilogue focused on seven speakers from the book. —Ash Carter

PHOTO: © Alexa Garcia at Chicago Tribune