The life of Rudolf Levy, a German-Jewish artist, ended tragically. In the early 1930s, when anti-Semitism was beginning to take hold in Germany, he moved to Rapallo, Italy, then to Mallorca, and in 1936 spent time briefly in New York before returning to Europe. In 1940 he settled in Florence, hoping for the best, but when the Nazis occupied Italy in 1943 he went underground. Horribly, SS agents posing as art buyers lured him out of hiding. Levy was arrested and sent to his death in Auschwitz. The Nazis had labeled his art “degenerate,” and for a long time Levy’s Expressionist paintings were smudged out of art history. Now he is finally getting his due. This monographic survey, the first on Levy, takes place only a few miles from the house where he hid all those years ago. —Elena Clavarino
The Arts Intel Report
Rudolf Levy: Work in Exile

Rudolf F. Levy, Flame, 1942.
Jan 24 – Apr 30, 2023
Photo courtesy of the Uffizi Galleries
Palazzo Strozzi