In Porto Cervo, set against the sensational backdrop of Italy’s Costa Smeralda, the three-story Rossana Orlandi Gallery boasts a selection of furniture, lighting, and accessories specially chosen by its namesake. Orlandi, “the Italian doyenne of contemporary design,” left fashion in 2002 to launch her first design mecca in a gallery in Milan, now world famous. Seeking out and supporting talented artists and designers, Orlandi strives to turn contemporary design into collectible design. This is the gallery’s 13th summer on the Promenade du Port, in northern Sardinia. —Ariella Paradise
The Arts Intel Report
Ro Summer Gallery
June 1 – Sept 30, 2021
Promenade du Port, Via Aga Khan, 1 Loc. Porto Cervo - Arzachena OT IT, 07021 Arzachena SS, Italy