In 1919, a group of surrealists took a group of writers aside and asked them a question: “Why do you write?” The answers were captivating, and were recorded by André Breton and Philippe Soupault in a book called The Magnetic Fields (1920). More than a century later, for La Règle du Jeu’s 30th anniversary, issue No.75 of RDJ asks 177 prominent people a similar question: “How do you read?” Some answers are profound, others are humorous, but all are reflective of today’s fast-paced world. The introduction was written by the renowned intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy, and Ian McEwan, Sofia Coppola, and Adam Gopnik are among those who answer. A presentation of the new issue will be held at Paris’s fabled Café de Flore, with Lévy himself in attendance. —Elena Clavarino