Pierpont Morgan was a prolific collector across all periods and mediums. It’s only fitting that to combine his greatest passions—literature, art, and Christianity—he acquired a robust collection of the most important book in the world, the Bible. Now on view at the library on Madison Avenue that bears his name: the earliest surviving verses of the Septuagint Genesis, the Lindau Gospels treasure binding, the Golden Gospels of Henry VIII, the Gutenberg Bible, and many more priceless scriptural treasures. The collection provides a survey of the most significant book in history, looking particularly at its artistic evolution from artifact to illuminated manuscript to printed word and beyond. —Lucy Horowitz
The Arts Intel Report
Morgan's Bibles: Splendid in Scripture

The Golden Gospels of Henry VIII, from circa 977–993.
Oct 20, 2023 – Jan 21, 2024
Photo: Morgan Library & Museum
American Museum of Natural History