Every Soul is a Circus, choreographed in 1939 to music by Paul Nordoff, has the distinction of being “the funniest ballet Martha ever created,” writes Agnes de Mille in her biography of Martha Graham. The dance contains a ringmaster, his wife, and her dream lover, and conjures the landscape of her inner world: she not only reacts to the men, but watches herself reacting. The scholar Joseph Campbell felt that she didn’t, in the end, commit herself to love. Graham answered, “If I were to take that step I would lose my art.” The Martha Matinee of March 6 offers a complete 1940s film of Every Soul is a Circus—starring Graham, Erick Hawkins, and Merce Cunningham—with Graham experts on hand for live chat. On March 16, GrahamDeconstructed celebrates the 75th anniversary of Cave of the Heart, from 1946, Martha’s ferocious take on that scorned fury Medea. —L.J.
The Arts Intel Report
Martha Graham Dance Company: March 2021 Programming
Mar 6–24, 2021
Martha Graham and Erick Hawkins in “Every Soul is a Circus” by Barbara Morgan. Courtesy of Martha Graham Dance Company, New York.
American Museum of Natural History