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The Arts Intel Report

Jacques Louis David: Radical Draftsman

Feb 17 – May 15, 2022
1000 5th Ave, New York, NY 10028, USA

The French artist Jacques Louis David was many things. The king of Neoclassicism. Napoleon’s appointed painter. A fabulous portraitist. David first appeared in the public eye in the 1780s, when his painting Oath of the Horatii created a sensation. In the early years of the Revolution, he was a member of Robespierre’s extremist Jacobin group and was nicknamed “the Robespierre of the Brush.” When Louis XVIII came to power, David left France for self-exile in Brussels. He died in 1825, when struck by a carriage. This is the first exhibition devoted to David’s works on paper. Preparatory studies as well as his monumental successes are also on view. —Elena Clavarino

Jacques Louis David, “The Oath of the Tennis Court,” 1789 © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, NY. Photo: Gérard Blot.