This podcast examines the multifaceted history of jewels. Episode One looks at Hollywood glitz and features Victoria Brynner, the goddaughter of Elizabeth Taylor. Other episodes explore jewels as harbingers of good health, wisdom, and love. The guest in Episode Three is the curator of gems and minerals at the Smithsonian, home to the infamous 45.52-carat Hope Diamond (its ownership records go back four centuries). Next up? First Lady style, with a focus on Madame Macron as well as the one person who outdoes the competition and then some: the Queen. “Princess Margaret used to say that her sister was the only person she knew who could run down a flight of stairs whilst putting on a tiara,” says the jewelry expert and podcast host Carol Woolton. “That kind of skill is passed down through centuries of DNA”—and centuries of owning the finest jewels. —J.V.
The Arts Intel Report
If Jewels Could Talk

Streaming on Apple Podcasts
Victoria Brynner with her godmother Elizabeth Taylor. Photo: Yul Brynner.