They’re back! The piteous Monster (Edward Parks), assembled from spare body parts sourced in morgues and graveyards, and the callous Dr. Victor Frankenstein (Terence Chin-Loy), who did the assembling, return in a new chamber opera. Words and music are by Gregg Kallor, an American pianist-composer as much at home in jazz as in classical music. To judge by clips from a workshop preview, Kallor is a skillful scene painter with a gift for fluent, neoromantic dialogue in song that you can follow without recourse to supertitles. (That ought to be a given, but it’s not.) —Matthew Gurewitsch
The Arts Intel Report
Frankenstein, by Gregg Kallor

The doctor and his monster in Gregg Kallor’s chamber opera Frankenstein, premiering at the Arizona Opera.
Oct 13–15, 2023
Photo: Tim Trumble Photography