The curator Sarah C. Bancroft has written of the artist James Rosenquist, “From age twenty-seven to thirty-seven, he had grown from a young buck Pop artist who ruffled the artistic establishment to an esteemed insider.” She’s referring to Rosenquist’s growth in the years 1960 to 1970, when he left the design world of commercial billboards and theater marquees to became a major figure in fine arts. In the 1980s, a move to Florida and a new color photocopier led to his “Flowers” series, which sees the intersplicing of flora—blossoms and especially the swordlike spacing of palm fronds—with women’s faces. In these paintings there’s a sense of cinematic intercutting, of Venetian blinds at high noon, of eyes and eros. —E.C.
The Arts Intel Report
Flowers: James Rosenquist

Feb 19 – Mar 28, 2021
James Rosenquist, “Females and Flowers,” 1984. © 2021 James Rosenquist, Inc. / Licensed by Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY.
American Museum of Natural History