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The Arts Intel Report

Filmcraft: International Production Design Week

Oct 20–29, 2023
7 Ludlow St, New York, NY 10002, United States

There’s a loose aphorism in the engineering world that states, “the greatest design is invisible.” Though reductive, the concept holds true. And it carries over to cinema. Take Charlie Kaufman’s Synecdoche, New York—its set design is so enthralling that the viewer is entirely convinced of the film’s reality, despite its ever-increasing absurdity. The Metrograph, serving as New York City’s arm of this year’s inaugural International Production Design Week, sheds light on the visible and invisible with showings of Synecdoche, New York; Joker; Across the Universe; Goodfellas; and The Silence of the Lambs. Each movie will be introduced by a production designer who worked on its set. Mark Friedberg will speak to the first three films, and Kristie Zea will do the same for the latter two. —Jack Sullivan

AIR MAIL readers can get 40% off an Annual or Dual Metrograph Membership by entering the special code AIRMAIL40 at checkout.

Photo: Production Designers Collective