In 1975, John Cleese and Connie Booth co-wrote Fawlty Towers, a British television show about an incompetent hotel manager named Basil Fawlty. In 2016, the pair reunited for a stage adaptation of the series that toured Australia. Now Cleese has combined three original episodes in a two-hour play. Basil, as hapless as ever, tries to get in the good graces of a group of guests whom he suspects are there to inspect his hotel. Starring Adam Jackson-Smith as Basil, Anna-Jane Casey as his wife, Sybil, and 16 other characters from the television classic, the play is chaotic, nostalgic, and as funny as ever. Caroline Jay Ranger directs. —Jeanne Malle
The Arts Intel Report
Fawlty Towers
The cast of Fawlty Towers.
May 5 – Sept 28, 2024
Photo: Hugo Glendinning