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The Arts Intel Report

Everest: An Immersive Experience, by Joby Talbot

An illustration for Everest: An Immersive Experience, by Joby Talbot.

Feb 3–12, 2023
44 Page St UNIT 400, San Francisco, CA 94102, United States

Based on Jon Krakauer’s I-Was-There nonfiction best-seller Into Thin Air, composer Joby Talbot and librettist Gene Scheer’s Everest revisits the dreadful misadventure that took the lives of eight mountaineers in 1996. From its premiere in 2015, the trim chamber opera has gone on to numerous productions. Halfway through the pandemic, Opera Parallèle released a “graphic-novel” video version of sad, disarming beauty. Now that we can foregather in real space again, the company invites us into an (ahem!) parallel immersive experience—comparable, maybe, to those animated walk-through exhibitions of animated Van Gogh, Monet, and Frida Kahlo? —Matthew Gurewitsch