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The Arts Intel Report

Evandro Teixeira: Chile 1973

Evandro Teixeira, Soldiers with prisoners in the background, 1973.

Apr 12 – July 30, 2023
Av. Paulista, 2424 - Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, 01310-300, Brazil

In 1973, in late September, Evandro Teixeira was on his way to Santiago, the capital of Chile. The country was in the throes of a military coup. On September 11, General Augusto Pinochet led an army to the presidential palace, where President Salvador Allende’s democratically elected government sat. Air strikes rained down on the government buildings and all was chaos. Teixeira was working as a documentary photographer for the Rio de Janeiro-based newspaper Journal do Brasil, and in Chile he documented the city under siege. This exhibition displays Teixeira’s iconic shots of Pablo Neruda’s vandalized home and the poet-diplomat’s burial, which escalated into a widespread protest. —Elena Clavarino

Photo: © Evandro Teixeira/Acervo IMS/Coleção Evandro Teixeira