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The Arts Intel Report

Erwin Wurm: A 70th-Birthday Retrospective

Erwin Wurm, Eames, 2023.

Albertinaplatz 1, 1010 Wien, Austria

In 2017, Erwin Wurm unveiled a freight truck outside the Austrian Pavilion at the Venice Art Biennale—it had an orange cab and was balanced vertically on its front bumper. Visitors could climb stairs to the top, where an enclosure read “Stand quiet and look at the Mediterranean Sea.” A month before that, in Vienna, Wurm positioned Fat House—a simple hall-and-parlor house with swollen walls—opposite a Baroque palace. Playful pieces like these have been staples of Wurm’s practice since the late 1980s. “I am interested in the everyday life,” he once said. “All the materials that surrounded me could be useful, as well as the objects, topics involved in contemporary society.” To celebrate Wurm’s 70th birthday, the Albertina is presenting a sweeping retrospective of his work. —Elena Clavarino

Photo: Markus Gradwohl © Erwin Wurm, Bildrecht, Wien 2024