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The Arts Intel Report

Assyria: Palace Art of Ancient Iraq

Oct 2, 2019 – Sept 5, 2022
17985 Pacific Coast Hwy, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, USA

“The drawing of horses,” we read in Arrest and Movement, one of the seminal texts on the art of the Ancient Near East, “is throughout superb. The draughtsmen must have known and lived with them as no Egyptian artist ever did.” Add in winged bulls and genies, bas reliefs of battles and royal lion hunts, and you have Ancient Assyria as it portrayed itself—monumental and mighty. Don’t miss palace masterworks on loan from the British Museum. —L.J.

Similar events around the world: “I Founded Therein My Royal Palace,” Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg (July 15, 2020–August 2, 2020).