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The Arts Intel Report

After Icebergs

Nov 16, 2019 – Apr 10, 2022
2 E 91st St, New York, NY 10128, United States

“In the center of large ponds, beneath the surface of the water, gleam cores of aquamarine ice, like the constricted heart of winter,” writes Barry Lopez, who traveled to the earth’s icy poles for his 1986 book, Arctic Dreams. Icebergs lured American landscape painter Frederic Edwin Church northwards over a century before. Church captured their quiet majesty above the water’s surface, and suggested the many alluring mysteries iceberg’s held below. “After Icebergs” not only commemorates the 160th anniversary of Church’s voyage, but it also reminds viewers of our indelibly changed planet. As Lopez wrote, and Church likely understood, “For a relationship with the landscape to be lasting, it must be reciprocal.” —C.J.F.