“I was fifteen, lonely, and, being an adopted child, felt like some strange invasive species everywhere I went,” writes the painter Andrea Joyce Heimer of the day she lost her virginity. “I was desperate to find what I thought of as love and found something like it in a troubled boy who lived with his grandmother in a shabby house by a truck-stop.” Heimer, originally from Great Falls, Montana, is showing 24 paintings at Nino Mier Gallery in Los Angeles, one painting for each hour of that fateful day. Primarily made in oil and pastels, these 24 paintings have the feeling of folk art. Their night drives and chilly December mornings give off the vibe of old quilts. —Sophie Kemp
The Arts Intel Report
24 Hours in Great Falls, Montana

Mar 26 – Apr 9, 2022
Photo courtesy of Nino Mier Gallery.
California African American Museum