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The Arts Intel Report

The Awe of the Arctic: A Visual History

Sebastian Copeland, Iceberg XXIV, 2008.

Mar 15 – July 13, 2024
476 5th Ave, New York, NY 10018, United States

The progressive degradation of the polar ice caps, the result of a warming earth, is but another indication of climate change’s consequences. Such warming not only alters the ecosystems that creatures have evolved to inhabit, it is destroying a powerful visual phenomenon. The North Pole is a singular and magnificent spectacle of the natural world, and as such, it has been described and captured by artists for centuries. “The Awe of the Arctic: A Visual History” focuses on the last 500 years of woodcuts, engravings, lithographs, photographs, and more, beginning with works created by 16th-century explorers. Drawing from the New York Public Library’s own collections, the exhibition works its way up to contemporary art that deals specifically with the modern environmental crisis. —Jack Sullivan