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The Arts Intel Report

San Francisco Ballet: Mere Mortals

Jennifer Stahl and Wei Wang in a preview of Mere Mortals.

Apr 18–24, 2024
Chris Hellman Center for Dance, 455 Franklin St, San Francisco, CA 94102

Last January, for the first program in the first season entirely of her own making, San Francisco Ballet artistic director Tamara Rojo assumed a Diaghilevian role. She not only chose the choreographer but also designated the music-maker, lighting team, and even the story. The full-length Mere Mortals concerns the catastrophically curious Pandora, of the infamous box. Canadian choreographer Aszure Barton, whose gift for explosive, impulsive gesture suits her heroine, joins Sam Shepard aka Floating Points, a popular mixer of low-key electronic dance music, and the Spanish duo known as Hamill Industries, specialists in “research-driven experimental storytelling.” With the aid of AI, Hamill has meshed trippy video with dancer-motion and the DJ’s strobe-like beats (on, off, on, off) for the proverbial “immersive experience.” The futuristic ballet was a hit and is returning for seven encore performances in April. —Apollinaire Scherr

Photo: Erick Munari/© Works & Process