There’s nothing more important than education. And yet so many things go wrong with it. Wooden rulers were once wielded as instruments of punishment. Intimidation trumped emotional support. Children with special needs were entirely neglected. Featuring works by 35 international artists—Cristine Brache, Graziela Kunsch, and Paul McCarthy among them—the exhibition “On Education” delves into the trauma and violence ingrained in our school systems, and examines concepts of surveillance, control, and social conditioning. It also addresses the challenges posed by technology and cultural conflicts in the classroom. On a positive note, the exhibition showcases innovative solutions and alternative models aimed at reforming these fractured systems. —Jeanne Malle
The Arts Intel Report
On Education

Frank Baniwa and Escola Viva, Umbigo do Mundo (Navel of the World) 7, 2023.
Until Aug 17
Photo Courtesy of the Artist