The wreck of the Pequod is rotting in Davy Jones’ Locker, but Captain Ahab and Queequeeg, the South Sea prince turned harpooner, are still afloat in God knows what animist or voodoo dimension, exchanging world views. “You can expect a jazzy opera,” we’re told, “swinging and full of energy, about the need for conciliation in an increasingly polarized society.” An early reviewer describes “an exuberant opera that brings together all the great themes of the time in the seemingly innocent form of a fairy tale.” The creatives, without exception, are new to us: Gorges Ocloo is credited with concept, direction, libretto, and scenography; Dominique Pauwels with music for the soprano; Toon Callier with the instrumentals; Ben Okri with the libretto and dramaturgy. Likewise, the principal performers: Josse De Pauw, an actor, and Nobulumko Mngxekeza-Nziramasanga, a soprano. Running time: 90 minutes. —M.G.