Although there is a century between them, the lives of Matthew Wong and Vincent van Gogh come together in tragedy. Wong, who was born in 1984, began painting seriously in 2013, at 29, and soon developed a haunting voice. His style was distinct: an intense color palette, pointillist patterns, and sweeping brushstrokes combined to create landscapes overwhelmed with emotion. Wong suffered from Tourette’s syndrome and depression, and his struggle was constant. In 2019, age 35 and on the cusp of fame, he killed himself. Van Gogh’s story—and his turbulent paintings—needs no recap except to say that he too, at only 37, died by his own hand. In Amsterdam, works by these two artists are shown together for the first time. —Elena Clavarino
The Arts Intel Report
Matthew Wong, Vincent van Gogh: Painting As a Last Resort
Matthew Wong, Unknown Pleasures, 2019.
Mar 1 – Sept 1, 2024
Photo: Museum of Modern Art, New York/© 2023 Matthew Wong Foundation/Pictoright Amsterdam, 2023/Digital image courtesy of MoMA