What sort of ice cream would the diva like, the waiter asked, rattling off the flavors. “All,” the soprano Asmik Grigorian replied. As reported by Joshua Barone in The New York Times in 2021, the server returned with five scoops of different flavors and she wolfed them down. “Grigorian, 40, approached dessert the way she does opera,” the writer observed, “with daring, total commitment and a bottomless appetite.” Roger that! Grigorian’s vehicle this summer is the outwardly indomitable yet ultimately fragile Lady Macbeth in Verdi’s first Shakespearean masterpiece. Prepare for thrills and chills. —Matthew Gurewitsch
The Arts Intel Report
Macbeth, by Giuseppe Verdi

The Large Festival Hall, where Macbeth will be performed, at the Salzburg Festival.
July 29 – Aug 29, 2023
Photo: © Salzburg Festival