The Barcelona-based painter Jose Bonell never works on one canvas for too long. He likes to keep things fresh, new, and a little unresolved. “I never know exactly what I am going to do,” he explains, “and I am addicted to this surprise.” Though his work is figurative, it always includes quick brush strokes and plenty of empty space. Because inspiration can come from anywhere, Bonell always carries a notebook in which to record such moments. He blends them with bits from literature, history, mythology, folk tales, and biblical stories. The final painting can be as simple or complex as the viewer wants it to be. —Clara Molot
The Arts Intel Report
Jose Bondel: The Indiscreet Night
Jose Bonell, Leda’s Affaire, 2022.
Jan 10 – Feb 18, 2023
Photo courtesy of Adams and Ollman