In 1958, JP Miller’s teleplay Days of Wine and Roses—a 90-minute drama that aired on television—premiered on CBS. Miller tells the story of Joe Clay, a big-drinking ad agent in New York, who introduces his wife Kristen to alcohol. Their benders lengthen and their marriage unravels. In 1962, the play was adapted for the screen, with Jack Lemmon and Lee Remick as the troubled couple. In 2023, the Atlantic Theater Company premiered a musical version of the drama, with a book by Craig Lucas and music and lyrics by Adam Guettel. Brian d’Arcy James starred as Joe, the good-time guy, Kelli O’Hara was Kristen, and the dark show was a hit. Now it comes to Broadway with d’Arcy and O’Hara. Michael Grief directs. —Jensen Davis
The Arts Intel Report
Days of Wine and Roses
Kelli O’Hara and Brian d’Arcy James in Days of Wine and Roses.
Jan 6 – Mar 31, 2024
American Museum of Natural History