Best known for recreating objects that retain memories, such as turn-of-the-century electronic gadgets, Daniel Arsham now experiments with relics. Having been given access to a 200-year-old French molding atelier, Arsham has boldly recast iconic sculptures and friezes from antiquity, and then opened them up, revealing infrastructures of clear and colored crystals, gold stones, and metal rods, a sense of impermanence petrified, glittering like an internal universe. The result is a powerful metaphor regarding man and time. This is Arsham’s first solo exhibition at UCCA Dune and it features a new body of work. —E.C.
The Arts Intel Report
Daniel Arsham: Sands of Time
July 11 – Oct 10, 2021
Daniel Arsham, “Sands of Time,” 2021. Courtesy of UCCA Dune.