Asked last year to choose a painting she’d like to have on her living room wall, an image of comfort during the pandemic, Berlinde de Bruyckere alighted on the Cristo morto sorretto da un angelo by Giorgione (circa 1502–1510), an image of the dead Christ supported by an angel. “What catches my eye is the angel holding the dead body, with his small, fragile hands,” she said. “The angel in the painting has wide, dark wings. Warm wings that can cover the body and carry it away to a gentler place.” In the exhibition “Engelenkeel” (Angel’s Throat), De Bruyckere brings her consideration of angels into the powerfully organic and monumental sculptures for which she is known. With new and recent work, a poet of mortality confronts the pandemic. —L.J.
The Arts Intel Report
Berlinde De Bruyckere: Engelenkeel
Mar 2 – June 27, 2021
Berlinde De Bruyckere, “Embalmed Twins II,” 2017. Photo: Mirjam Devriendt.