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The Arts Intel Report

A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler
A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler

State of Darkness

Oct 24 – Nov 1, 2020
175 8th Ave, New York, NY 10011, USA

George Balanchine once said that Igor Stravinsky’s groundbreaking Le Sacre du Printemps could not be choreographed. Many choreographers have felt otherwise, starting with Vaslav Nijinsky, who created the ballet that premiered with the music in 1913. There’s no question, however, that Stravinsky’s driving, primal rhythms present a challenge, and that the culminating “Dance sacrale,” in which a maiden dances herself to death, is killing. To make a solo to this score is a 36-minute marathon (with touches of masochism). At the Joyce, in seven separate performances, seven dancers will perform Molissa Fenley’s 1988 solo to Le Sacre, titled State of Darkness. The dancers, in order of appearance, are Michael Trusnovec, Jared Brown, Annique Roberts, Shamel Pitts, Lloyd Knight, Cassandra Trenary, and Sara Mearns. The livestreamed performances will be available for continued streaming until November 7, 2020. —L.J.

Annique Roberts in “State of Darkness.” Photo: Mohamad Sadek.

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