During the summer of 1941, two years into W.W. II and the large-scale genocide of Jews known as the Holocaust, residents of the German-occupied town of Jedwabne, Poland, massacred its local Jewish population. Upwards of 1,600 Jews, including hundreds of children, were burned alive by their neighbors, who teamed up with the Gestapo. That massacre is the subject of Tadeusz Słobodzianek’s masterpiece Our Class, which premiered in 2009. Focusing on 10 classmates—five Jewish, five Catholic—from 1925 through today, the play looks at how, and why, people decided to either savage or save their former classmates. The show’s New York premiere took place earlier this year at BAM. That production—by the acclaimed director Igor Golyak, born in Kyiv and the founder of Boston’s Arlekin Player Theatre—comes to the Classic Stage Company, where Golyak is currently in residence. —Jensen Davis
The Arts Intel Report
Our Class
Stephen Ochsner in Our Class.
Sept 12 – Nov 3, 2024
Photo: Pavel Antonov
American Museum of Natural History