Once more unto the blasted heath! The Canadian Opera Company is advertising a “brand new production” of the young Verdi’s spine-tingling Macbeth, directed by the ubiquitous David McVicar. Really? In September 2021, the Chicago Lyric Opera unveiled a merely “new” McVicar production of the selfsame work, set in highlands haunted by Calvinist witches sniggering over their hymnals in a ruined church. Sondra Radvanovsky, at her best a diva of thrilling theatrical and musical electricity, made her role debut as the antihero’s scheming Lady—an assignment she now repeats north of the 49th parallel. This time, she partners Quinn Kelsey, arguably the foremost Verdi baritone of the hour, in his first stab as the thane who would be king. The canny Verdian Speranza Scappucci conducts. —Matthew Gurewitsch