In a groundbreaking show that is the first of its kind in the West, “The Space Between: The Modern in Korean Art” features more than 130 works by 88 artists between the years 1897 to 1965, a period when Korean art moved into modernity. The art is arranged chronologically, stylistically, and conceptually to illuminate how foreign influences—particularly the introduction, through Japan, of oils, photography, and sculpture—were absorbed into Korean aesthetics and expression. With comprehensive inquiries into the impact of the colonial period (1910–45) and the Korean War (1950–53), the exhibition is the second in a two-part series by the Hyundai Project: Korean Arts Scholarship Initiative. —Nyla Gilstrap
The Arts Intel Report
The Space Between: The Modern in Korean Art
Kim Whanki, Jars and Women, 1951.
Sept 11, 2022 – Feb 19, 2023
Photo: © Whanki Foundation and Museum
California African American Museum