Japanese literary icon Haruki Murakami hosts a two-hour Stay Home Special radio show on Tokyo FM 80.0, from 10 to 11:55 P.M. (two to 3:55 P.M. G.M.T.). “I’m hoping that the power of music can do a little to blow away some of the corona-related blues that have been piling up,” the music enthusiast wrote of his upcoming D.J. set, in which he’ll spin tunes from his 10,000-or-so-record collection of vinyl. Murakami achieved international superstardom with, among others, Norwegian Wood and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. In 2018 he released his latest novel, Killing Commendatore, and wrote the liner notes for the 20th anniversary reissue of fellow Japanese icon Ryuichi Sakamoto’s BTTB album. (Tune in via the amazing Radio Garden, recently featured in AIR MAIL!) —Spike Carter
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